Securing Candor

Learn in a playful way



We already offer a training experience, but do you really want to experience and learn in a short time a lot about yourself, the effect of your actions on the psychological safety of your employees and colleagues in a playful way? Then this is really something for you and your team or entire organization.

Using a customized game, you will work in a fictional situation for half a day. This situation is so close to reality that it does not feel fake. And far enough away from reality that the assignments feel safe to carry out.

With your game team, you represent one executive. Each round you get points for how you score on creating psychological safety and to what extent you learn together.

After the game, the participants sit down together in their own teams and make the bridge to practice. What will I apply what I have learned? How could you help me? How will we ensure that we actually do it?

To develop this game, we work closely with Salsaparilla. They develop game-based change processes for organisations.

Curious? Send an email to or fill out the contact form and we will get in touch with you.

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